Lonely Bouquet Day 2019
25 June 2019
Sharing the love with flowers: Lonely Bouquet Day is back for 2019. One of our favourite dates in the diary, get ready for June 30th and heart-warming stories from around the globe - from San Fransico to Lands End - as local florists spread flower power across the world. Where will you find yours?
What date is Lonely Bouquet Day?
The date changes every year, but for 2019 Lonely Bouquet Day is on Sunday 30th June.
How did Lonely Bouquet Day start?
The Lonely Bouquet Day movement was started back in 2013 by Emily Avenson. Emily is a farmer-florist based in Belgium, who runs workshops from her studio. She launched the movement via her blog in 2013 with the mission to spread happiness and smiles, one flower at a time! Since then, the idea has captured the hearts of florists, general public and industry groups around the world and as the word spreads, more people become involved every year.
Lonely Bouquet mission
to spread happiness & smiles, one flower at a time
What happens on Lonely Bouquet Day?
It's simple really - a local florist will abandon a bouquet of flowers with a 'take me' tag and leave it somewhere to be discovered by a lucky person. Many florists will leave a contact or social media link, so that the finder can share the bouquet has found its new home.
Where can I find a Lonely Bouquet?
In the past, Lonely Bouquets have been left by local florists to be discovered in many different locations. From park benches, city centres, doorsteps, bus stops, churches, railway stations - keep your eyes open as you never know where you may stumble across a Lonely Bouquet!
How can I share my Lonely Bouquet story?
Over the years there have been many heart warming stories from people who have discovered Lonely Bouquets. This lovely gesture is designed to bring a smile to the finders face - and often when a small gesture of kindness is most needed.
There is an official Lonely Bouquet website and a dedicated Facebook page where people can share their Lonely Bouquet story. We love reading the updates of where a Lonely Bouquet has been found and by whom - as does the local florist who left the Lonely Bouquet.
I'm a local florist, how do I get involved?
There is lots of information to get involved on the Lonely Bouquet website, check out The Paper Studio who supply free Lonely Bouquet Tags for florists, flower societies and WI groups and visit the British Florist Association for industry updates.