How to look after your flowers

24 八月 2016

Once you have got your beautiful new flowers home, it is important to know how to look after them so they stay looking amazing for as long as possible!

Florists have shared with us the best advice they give customers about flower care:

  • Clean your vase – just using the basic soap and water will help remove any bacteria that can be harmful to your flowers
  • Under water trick – before trimming, leave in a bucket of water for 10 minutes to rehydrate stems, then cut them whilst they are still submerged under water and leave in the bucket for a further ½ hour.
  • Trim your stems – using sharp kitchen scissors cut about 3cm off the bottom of your flowers at a 45 degree angle. This gives more surface area to the tip, meaning the flower can drink up more water
  • Remove excess leaves – trim off any leaves or foliage that will be below the water line, as they can contaminate the water
  • Feed your flower – add the packet of flower food that came with your flowers to the water
  • Refresh – After a few days it is worth topping up your flowers with fresh water treated with flower food
  • Keep them cool  - Although flowers look gorgeous in a window sill, the direct sunlight will damage them. To help keep them as fresh as possible, best to keep them out of direct sunlight and in a cool place.
  • Avoid Fruit – display your flowers away from ripening fruit, which releases ethylene gas as it ripens, which will impact your flowers healthiness.


How to look after your flowers